- Guaranteed Lowest Rates
- No Gimmicks – Better than a Bank!
- Instant Check Cashing

“A Helpful Hand when you’re short on Cash” Thrifty Cash Services is there when you need a fair loan at a fair price. We can help you make ends meet when unexpected costs arise. Give us a call today with your questions, we’re here to help!

What our customers have to say
Thank you Thrifty Cash! With out you I would not have been able to get my car fixed and I probably would have lost my job. You saved me.
-Joel R
Brandy and Jim were so helpful. I was kind of afraid but they made me feel like everything was going to be all right. I got the cash and things worked out when I didn’t see how they could.
-Tandi M.
I needed 45,000 to get inventory for the coming season. My normal bank funding had dried up. Without the money I would have been out of business, I was treated fairly and with dignity, which is more than I can say for my bank. I would recommend Jim’s business to anyone in a similar situation as mine.
-Brandon K.